
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Last October Roses

 Last week up at the cottage I did a marathon garden clean up. But before I started I picked the last of  the fall roses. Fall roses are a little more raggedy than mid summer roses but certainly just as sweet.

Notice my tricky photography…. I managed to keep myself out of the mirror and captured the bouquet of hydrangeas on the back wall. Sometimes you just get lucky!

I love this vintage tea set, no longer usable but still so pretty.

This is the arrangement you see peaking thru in the mirror. I'm always amazed at the color of the hydrangeas. These will slowly dry over the winter and the bright colors will fade.

Halloween today and it is dreary and rainy here, I hope it clears up for the kiddies tonight.

Happy Halloween!

Linking to this week:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Table Redo, Sometimes Pink is Best

 I was on another little blogging break while we made a second trip to the east coast in 10 day.  Family events are wonderful but I just wish they had been spread out a little bit. We have also been busy cleaning up our yard at the cottage and getting everything put away before the snow starts to fly. I guess we finished just in time too because northern Michigan received several inches of snow in the last few days. Winter is coming too early for me!

Now it is time to turn attention to the inside of the house and freshen things up before the busy holiday season. I did a painting project late last spring that I forgot to post about, I painted my living room coffee table. I have had this pine table for about 15 years, it was a scratch and dent that I got for a great price. I still liked the table but thought I'd change the look and paint it an nice cream color. I finished it and hauled in back into living room to discover I hated it! I looked like a giant white whale! It was too stark for the softer colors in the room and too white for the cream sofas, it made them look dull. (I forgot to take a picture in it's white whale state.)

So back out to the garage, I put on a coat of Anne Slaone Duck Egg Blue followed by a coat of Antoinette Pink. I sanded heavily, especially the legs, waxed and got a table I was happier with and fit in better with the colors of the room.

See the soft colors of the rug, the table in cream/white version was just too stark and harsh looking.

Sanding the legs heavily gives it a more vintage feel.

I also changed out the knobs, they were a sale find from Anthropologie.

I like to leave dessert plates out stacked and ready for visitors.

A pheasant ready for fall.

Yes, I am much happier with the color of this table, it fits into this room much better, sometimes pink is best!

Have a great week!