
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Andrea's Hands

In reading this blog you may have noticed from my posts (despite how few and far between they are, sorry mom!) that I'm a bit of a jewelry fiend. Over the years I've not-so-slowly acquired a collection of handmade, vintage and brand new baubles. I love collecting jewelry, but as my collection grows I'm finding that I have to get more inventive with my storage for them as they've long outgrown my petite jewelry box. 

I think a great storage and display method is to have pieces dangling from unconventional objects- my mom thinks similarly and snapped up these great little hands knobs for me to use.

 So cute and a great decoration piece. 

Hanging just below an awesome collage piece that mom my made for me and had framed - she's the crafty one of our duo!

The perfect hooks!

Love how these look but I hope I can find more hands soon, because there's already new jewels to hang!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Woodland Garden

 I have been on a little blogging break while I was getting my garden planted at the cottage. Being back up at the cottage is great but warm temperatures have been slow in coming this year. The gardens are about 3 weeks behind normal, it is still really early spring in northern Michigan. I still have daffodils, bleeding hearts and primrose blooming. So I have been planting in chilly weather and my heat is still kicking on some evening. 

In sprite of the cool weather I have planted about 25 flats of annual flowers and more pots than I want to count up! I've planted petunias, begonias, violas, pansies, lobelia, alyssum, geraniums and fuchsia. I've added more perennials too new roses, clematis, lamium (spotted dead nettle), ferns and pinks. Now I just have to wait for the flowers to fill in and hope the deer don't eat everything before I can get pictures and show you.

One part of my garden that does look great right now is the shady or woodland garden. I have several huge trees that I under planted with hosta, ferns, woodruff, forget-me-nots and columbine. It looks so pretty right now.

Pink and blue forget-me-nots mixed together, they reseed every year.

Under the shade of the trees is one of our eating areas. The table is set on bluestone and there are several paths leading to it. The canopy of the trees acts like a giant umbrella which is great when the warm weather finally arrives.


Have you ever notice columbine from the side before it totally opens up, so pretty.

All the little white flowers are from the woodruff which is perfect ground cover for shady areas.

 I hope in the coming weeks I can share more of my garden with you. Let's just hope the deer stay away!