
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Craft Cabinet Redo

One of the things I have worked on this winter was organizing my craft work space or studio. I've given myself permission to stock it or stuff it, is more like it, with things I love. I've tried to repurpose items I already have and one of those items was a stamp cabinet that has been in the basement of years. I decided to give it a makeover and move it up to my studio.
This is the cabinet, Before.

 I seem to have taken the picture at a weird angle making the top look distorted, humm.

This is the cabinet after two coats of Anne Solan Old White paint and moved up in the my workroom. It was a pain to paint because of the little cubbies for the rubber stamps. I popped the back off which made it easier to paint. I decided not to paint the top inside each of the cubbies because who would see it right? Well, I finished and moved it up to my room, loving it but when I sat down at my desk nearby and looked up, I could see the brown wood inside the cubbies. Crap!!! Did I really want to haul that backdown to the basement to paint those inside tops? No, but would it bug me? A big YES, so back down to the basement it went.

This is the cabinet, After.

I've used rubber stamps on and off over the years but I've found myself using them in projects more frequently, so it is convenient to have them close at hand.

I cleaned out and gave a friend for her granddaughter the "kiddies" stamps and kept the others. Some of the stamps are from the early 80's before stamping was so mainstream.

I crystal bowl holding bobbins of beading thread.

 I love the tatted detail on the handkerchief.

 Some of my button collections are in old mason jars with crowns on them. The jars are from Canada which is why the crowns are on them, a nod to the Queen from Canada's days linked to the United Kingdom.

The big flower is a paper bowl was purchased at Target a few years back. I just pinned it to the wall.

Everyone needs an angel in their work space.

I like skells too, they remind me that life is precious.

This room is as I said, stuffed! In this small space it has 2 tables, 2 chairs, a bookcase, dresser, rolling cart, trunk, an easel, large baskets and 2 pin boards. A lot of things in a small area but it seems to be working for me. I'll have to take you on a tour one day soon.


  1. I love what you have done! I have hundreds of rubber stamps that I can't part with, but I hardly use them.

  2. It turned out wonderful and I would personally love to have a tour of your room.
    I hope you post it soon :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    Come over and join in on our give-a-way :)

  3. Really nice job painted white. Looks really great. Love the crown jars and the little crown stamp. I've been into crowns lately.

  4. What a great piece and how very serviceable, too! xo Diana

  5. You have a large collection of stamps and they look nice in the newly painted cabinet.
    I repurposed a portion of a kitchen cabinet from our daughter's makeover and I' m using the drawers to lay out my stamps for ease of use.

  6. Hi, Laura! First, thanks so much for dropping by my place earlier today. I appreciate that! I'm impressed that you took on such a huge and intimidating project, particularly since painting is NOT one of those things I'm terribly fond of. You did a great job, and the brown wood won't haunt you forever! :-) I used to use stamps quite a bit, but somehow fell away from it. Seeing your incredible collection makes me want to go back and do a little more. It was always so much fun and really a great creative outlet.

    I feel ya on the crowded office space! As I look around mine right now I feel almost claustrophobic with all the stuff in here. I'll have to get brave and weed it all out someday. Until then, it is what it is! :-)

    Have a great week!

  7. Painting a cabinet like that is a LOT of work. So fiddly. But it looks great. It's good to have your stamps out where you can see them to be inspired.

  8. Look at all the goodies! Ribbons, and buttons, and stamps, oh my! I love it when you can make organization pretty... like this!

    Sammy ~ Renew Redo!

  9. How organized you are--I am impressed! Craft supplies are the hardest thing to organize in my opinion. Good job, looks great!

  10. I love it, it turned out just perfect:)

  11. great job on your *new* craft cabinet. wonderful place for all your rubber stamps, buttons. easy access too. well done! happy day!

  12. Amazing transformation! Love all your bobbins and all the rest. Lots of creativity going on there I think!

  13. That is such a wonderful piece of furniture, and you did a great job painting it. I do hope you will do a tour of your room. I just love seeing how others set up their crafty spaces. My space is on my sidebar in my most popular posts--My Momma-Cave Pt. 1 & 2, if you are interested.

  14. Nice transformation, Laura! It would bug me too if I saw the undersides brown- oh well, live and learn. Have a great week :)

  15. The cabinet looks great. I can't believe you took it back down to paint the tops.

    I envy you the cleaned up work space. I am working on getting my space organized and it is slow going.

  16. I love the shelf holding all of the rubber stamps! That is such a great setup!

  17. Love this cabinet!! It looks great with the new paint job. I would love a tour of your craft room - i have a whole pinterest page dedicated to craft rooms!

  18. oh wonderful! I love your shelving with all the stamps arranged so artfully close at hand. I really need to do a renovate in my work room!
    Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping by my blog the other day.

  19. Hi Laura,

    What a wonderful room it is! I love the colour of your cupboard. Much better! The collection of stamps looks very impressive.

    Have a lovely evening!

    Madelief x

  20. What a beautiful makeover!! I would love for you to link up at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase.

    Just follow the link....


  21. Great job on the cabinet. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have everything organized? -- Jan

  22. The cabinet turned out great! So much good storage in a gorgeous piece. You have so many stamps, displayed beautifully! Can't wait for the tour.

  23. What a collection of stamps. That is such a great piece you got to hold them. I hope you get lots done now that you are so beautifully organized!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  24. Seen your item on Katherines Corner
    blog hop so just had to come and check out your cabinet make over.
    Love what you had done and it really turned out beautifully.

    Heading to sign up for your newsletter now.

  25. The stamp cabinet looks great, Laura. I love the way you've organized everything. And, please do take us on the full tour one day. I'm sure it will be amazing.

  26. Hi Laura--what a lovely job you have done transforming your rubber stamp display!! The pink--sooo much better! I know what you mean about the stamps...I don't use them often, but when I do, and I use them primarily as accents, they add so much. I look forward to the rest of the redo. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  27. WOW, how fortunate are you to have found such a wonderful shelf and now it looks just fabulous!! All of your stamps are almost calling out to be used!! I am sure that your craft room is full of tons of inspiration!!
    Happy Creative Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Nerina xOxO

  28. the cabinet makeover. I have done the same thing as you thinking "Oh I don't have to paint this area no one will see it" and then there is the unpainted surface staring back at me! lol
    Visiting from Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  29. What a wonderful piece of furniture ~ so perfect for your stamps!! The brown "ceilings" would have driven me crazy, too!

  30. A really big job, but your finished cabinet looks really nice! I love how it turned out!

  31. I love that you can see all of your rubber stamps. Mine are all in cute boxes but I have to dig through them every time I want one! I also love those jars with the crowns. Wonderful craft space!

  32. This is a great redo! And very inspiring -- one of the things on my summer to-do list (if I can't get to it before!) and your ideas make me want to start today. The buttons are perfect in that jar and I love the cabinet. Lots of work in that project. And well done. Bravo!

    ~jeanie (The Marmelade Gypsy)

  33. It's wonderful! All those cubbies ~ just perfect for your craft room.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  34. Oh Laura, I can't wait till I am to the organizing point in my craft room. Great cabinet and I love the makeover! I sold a bunch of my old stamps at our last yard sale so I no longer have a lot. Love the bottles. I was happy to learn about the crown. I found a jar with the crown at a yard sale and bought it for my sil. She has a crown theme going on in her craft room. I wondered where the crown was from. Thanks for sharing your great makeover with SYC. Would love to see the entire room.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.