
Sunday, August 5, 2012

White Clouds and White Caps

It has been hot this summer, in many parts of the country record breaking heat and drought. So when you get a day that feels like fall you breathe deeply and enjoy. We had a little rain yesterday and a cool front moved in, it went from 88 degrees to a blissful 70 degrees today. The front blew in puffy clouds and raised the waves on Lake Michigan.

The local kids were enjoying the surf. As a mother, it makes me nervous watching them, no sharks but I worry about the undertow. Even Lake Michigan can have a riptide. 

The view looking north.

The view looking south.

A sea gull walked along with me, I walked faster, he walked faster.

Truly a perfect day…

P.S.  Not so perfect…I'm having a problem with my posts not showing up on the Blogger Reading list. If any one has suggestions for a fix or know where I can go for help, I'd really appreciate it. This is the second post that has not appeared on the reading list.


  1. A perfect day, for sure! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Beautiful shots of Lake Michigan!

  2. Beautiful shots is right! My SIL lives in Michigan at Fife Lake. Are you anywhere near there? I don't know why your posts aren't showing up???? Wish I could help. XO, Pinky

  3. Beautiful photos of your beautiful day. Thank you for sharing.

  4. That is quite a drop in temperature, we still have intense heat here in Italy also. A lovely series of photos of the Lake.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I really love the ones with the seagull

  6. Wonderful images of a beautiful place...

  7. I've always wanted to visit Lake beautiful...certainly different than our coast!!! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  8. This shots are stunning! The colors are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Laura, thanks for stopping by my blog! I love meeting new fellow bloggers! Your photos are lovely and I LOVE Michigan in the summer! Will be going there soon! Can't wait....From one sweetie to another~~Roxie

  10. You are right. Beautiful! Don't you just love days like that?

  11. These photos are absolutely stunning! I adore the last one - the colors are amazing.

  12. What breathtaking beauty these images are...thank you~

  13. I am just south of you in Ohio and enjoying this grey raining cool stuff immenseley too - a much needed reprieve from that heat finally!

  14. You have some beautiful photos of Lake Michigan. It really has some good waves on it. Lovely.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers


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