
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Disturbed Women

A few more pictures from a recent antique show. I loved this sign…

 Evaluation Center for Disturbed Women

Where did this sign come out of a hospital or a mental health facility? That is the interesting thing about antiques, they have a history that most of us can only guess at. I'm sure some people consider antique shoppers a little crazy, they are buying other people's old, used stuff after all. Not everyone understands the attraction of vintage items, they don't appreciate the worn edges and patina of them.

Vintage clothing ready for wear or display.

So many wonderful items here, I love the frameless mirrors. But it makes me wonder how someone's wedding photos ended up for sale. Did nobody remember who the bride and groom were?

These gages would look fun displayed in a bowl.

We all needed some rain this summer!

 Italian Florentine boxes, plates and furniture seem to be all the rage. I could easily start collecting florentine boxes.

The turquoise chairs went home with a happy buyer. Can't you see these around a table?

I really wanted to take this mailbox home with me but I resisted.

When I went back to the vender that had the sign for disturbed women, it was gone. I hope it went home with a woman to be displayed in maybe her studio which is overflowing with antique ribbons, buttons, lace, vintage clothes, books and so many more vintage items. Wouldn't that be the perfect place for the sign?

A special thanks to Kristin at A Vintage Fairy for featuring our Fairy Garden post from the other week. If you missed that post please take a peek, Fairy Garden.

Linking to this week:

       Metamorphous Monday


  1. oh my gosh!! a feast for the eye!! what treasures!! that sign is great!! I know right where I would put it..

  2. loved looking thru your finds. that sign was a particularly great! i found you thru the cowgirl up! link party.

  3. Loved that Disturbed Women sign. That was amazing. So sorry you didn't get it.

  4. I'm a disturbed women too! I think so!#

    Greetings from Rosine

  5. Fantastic photos of vintage items ~ Love them ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    thanks for coming by ^_^

  6. Being a psychology professor that sign would have been perfect for my office....I may have to 're-create' it ;) I love looking at photos of vintage finds...I often wonder about those abandoned photographs...loved the books and chairs also.

  7. I wasn't quite sure what I would find with a title like that, now I understand, love the vinettes of items, the books are beautiful, kinda sad about the wording of the sign, however this is how it was back in the day, now it would make a great sign and name for my antique booth!

  8. The last prison I worked in as an RN used to be a women's prison and had a psych ward. That Disturbed Women sign would have fit there perfectly. I have sold a lot of Florentine pieces for next to nothing. Greta post Laura.


  9. I hope the sign shows up on some ladies blog.

    My family thinks I am distrubted because I have so much in my studio.

    A girl can never have to much , vintage anything? right ??

    I enjoyed seeing all the things you walked by

  10. I wish I had that sign to put over my daughters' room when they were growing up! What a GREAT sign! lol It would be great in a menopause ward!!!

    What a lot of great finds there. You must have had a ball! xo Diana

  11. Thanks for coming by. I just loved the Disturbed Women sign. I would have gotten that. And I liked the turquoise chairs. Great pictures.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  12. That sign made me giggle - I think I need to check into that Center ...

    Visiting you from Ivy and Elephants WIW.

  13. Oh Laura, I have been looking and looking for an old mailbox. I like the smaller gray one. But they are both great. So much fun and intrigue in the good old stuff. Thanks for sharing what you saw. I'd have snapped up those chairs and that sign too.

  14. Such interesting treasures! Love those folding chairs. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  15. Hmmmmm......Do you think that sign is referring to PMS?

    Thank you for sharing your fun trip to the flea market! There were so many wonderful and unique items. Oh, those books...I love reading from that era.

    Have a Happy Rednesday,

  16. I loved the Disturbed Women sign. I could think of so many places to hang that sign... the break room at work, administrative offices (LOL) and my craft room!!

    Thanks for taking us all along on your shopping excursion!!


  17. Thank you for this wonderful tour. I love that sign and the gages.
    I never thought of collecting gages and yet they seemed to strike a chord in my collector's heart.
    I love clocks, so maybe it branches off from that.
    Come on over and see what I've made from recycled candle-holders and small lamps. Are you curious?
    Have a great day, Connie :)

  18. Hello! thanks for visiting me! I love your blog, so modern and fresh. Your 310th follower!

    ciao bella
    sensible sarah

  19. I wish I could have went shopping with you-so much amazing stuff!


  20. I have a weakness for signs and that was a one-of-a-kind find!

  21. ahhh man i wished you had of gotten the sign---some very cool stuff you have here--i loved those gages!

  22. Oh my gosh Laura, I wanted that disturbed woman sign! How fun would it be in a craft room? Every picture was filled with delight. Love the gauges and the turquoise chairs. I picked up one similar at a thrift store. Just waiting for me to paint it. I bought a giant mailbox like that for only $10 this Spring. It was painted bright green and I have it out on my deck. Everyone that comes comments about it. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics with SYC.

  23. love the sign. i could have easily found a place for it. so did you come home with only pictures or did you buy?

  24. What lovely shots...I would've spent a ton of money...

  25. What a feast for the eyes! Of course I adore the "disturbed women" sign! I'm wondering about that.......

    Thank you for sharing your charming post at Potpourri Friday!

  26. Gorgeous vintage items.
    I have my mothers wedding album, all black and white, just beautiful....and I would never imagine parting with it...someday I'll pass it on to my own daughter.

    Ciao bella
    Your newest follower
    Creative Carmelina

  27. Oh that sign is fantastic!!

    Such lovely, lovely things.

    Thanks for sharing on The All Star Block Party!

  28. You are so correct with your remark! The photos are lovely - saw a few things I would like... Have a good week! Christa

  29. Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful photos of the antique show on Simple & Sweet Fridays. It looked like a lot of great treasures! Have a fun week.


  30. ohmygosh, can you believe that sign? hilarious and sad at the same time!! someone could have oodles of fun with that! thanks for taking us along!

  31. Thanks for sharing! I need that sign!! It would go in my kitchen since some people around me say I need help with all my dishes. LOL. I'm trying to catch up on all the posts I've missed. Have a great weekend!! Monica

  32. Oh, what a lovely show you attended. I wanted to dig through that rack of vintage clothing. Loved the sign, too.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.