
Monday, May 21, 2012

Tea with the Queen

Happy Monday morning! I have been planting like a mad woman at the cottage all weekend. It is always a challenge gardening in northern Michigan, the season is short and the weather is wacky. It was unusually hot yesterday at 92 degrees, we rarely have those temperatures at the height of the summer, let alone May. But this morning it is 42 degrees!!! Yikes!!!

I promised in my last post, I'd chat about something other than flowers……How about tea, another favorite of mine. My blogging partner daughter, Andrea was home for a quick visit and brought me a lovely gift for Mother's Day, tea bags with famous figures from England.

Yes, tea with the Queen! She is my favorite figure in the group. This is a special year for Queen Elizabeth, she is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee this summer, marking her 60 years on the throne.

The beautiful canisters covered in Japanese papers are from Teavana. They are filled with some of my favorite loose teas like, Golden Monkey.

The tea pot and tea cup were thrift store finds. The tea pot has hosted many tea parties and has some crazing on the surface but is still beautiful.

Wish you could join me for a cup of tea but it would have to be quick, I need to get back out in the garden for more planting. And today that will require going back to jeans and a sweatshirt, it still has not moved off that 42 degrees mark!! Did you do any planting over the weekend? 


  1. ncredibly cute tea cup and teapot. Fun with tea bags with figures but .... Jack the Ripper may be left alone. I'd rather drink with The Queen. I wish you a wonderful week! Zinnia

  2. I would love to have tea with the queen. I bet Sherlock would have some interesting stories to tell though.

  3. Such a fun way to have tea! We are also in wacky weathered Michigan and planted a fourth of our garden yesterday. When we finished someone came and told us it was going to frost. Our weather report hadn't said that. Why is everyone's report always so different!? Luckily ours was more accurate this time and all was well. (We hadn't bothered to pull out all the stuff we use to cover everything.) Lovely pictures of your tea pot and cup. They look so nice together.

  4. What a beautiful tea service! Very fun with the Queen!

  5. The tea set is very posh and the queen just might jump out of that cup! We planted canna lilies and climbing roses that came from our garden.

  6. Oooh so beautiful, and how fun!... tea with the Queen...your teaset is just stunning!... I too have been in my garden all day... well, all week... loving every minute of it!... wishing you a beautiful day, xoxo Julie Marie

  7. How fun to have tea with the Queen - and with such beautiful and delicate china teacups. They are so pretty.

    I was in my garden on Saturday, but the rest of the weekend saw rain and cool temperatures. Hoping for sun later on this week.

  8. Lots of planting was done here, followed by a lovely, gentle rain.
    Tea with the Queen - now that would be fun!

  9. Very cute and I love tea, your teapot looks so elegant. I'm featuring your post on my FB page, so grab a cowgirl up featured button if you like.

  10. Those tea bags are amazing! I read 42 degrees and though t42 C, as in really hot, but no, you have another cold snap - perfect for gardening.

  11. Wow,you have a unique fashion and a I also love to have a tea with the the Queen.

    Broome tour

  12. Those tea bags are incredible! It looks like they're taking a bath in your vintage tea cups haha, so cute :D

  13. The china tea sets are "oh so civilized." The tea bags...just the right amount of whimsy. A perfect balance, as usual. Happy Memorial Day!

  14. Oh my! I'm jealous. I'd love to sip some tea with the queen.

    Those tea cups are AMAZING!!!!!!!!

  15. Ahah amazing tea bags.. love humour and originality :)
    Please check out my blog too at Miss Tangerine :)

  16. These are adorable. My "mum" would love them, being a Canadian and loving her tea as she does. :)

  17. This teabags are really fun! I saw them on my last visit to London but somehow I did not buy them. No I am wondering why... The china from Bavaria is wonderful - especially the pot is lovely! Did some planting over the weekend but the weather here is miserable since weeks and it seems the plants do not like to grow without sunshine! At least now I know where the sun is hiding! Enjoy it! Christa

  18. Hi Laura,
    Your teapot and teacup are just so elegant! I love the gold gilding on them. Having tea with the Queen would be such an affair, wouldn't it? The tea bags are adorable {other than Jack}!
    I'm so glad you have joined me for tea. My hubby worked all weekend getting the beds weeded and they look so nice now. Have a lovely week.


  19. i always thought it would be fun to collect tea pots but they take up so much room.

    i've been hearing about the weather temp changes in your area. my great niece and her husband are in ann arbor. 80 degrees and up then cold and snow on graduation day. burrr!!

  20. Came over from Cowgirl Up for an audience with the queen. These tea bags are loony! I'm from South Carolina so we only drink sweet iced tea with lemon (by the gallons!) I love squirrels, but they have made a mess in my container gardens!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  21. Oh, tea time at Cottage and Broome - I love it! Andrea bought you some lovely gifts. The Queen Elizabeth is darling, and that gold tea cup, oh my! I loved your post today Laura. Now, I think I will go and have a cup of tea.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  22. those are just too cute love them, the tea with the queen carboard things to set in your cups

  23. Love the dishes! I'm a new GFC follower from a blog hop and would love if you followed me at

  24. Love your tea wares and those bags are a hoot!

  25. Your elegant china is perfect for your amusing tea! What a fun way to celebrate. We are having ninety degree weather in Albuquerque! It sure sounds wacky for Mich. allright!

  26. Wow, now that tea set is fit for a queen. How beautiful and so regal.
    those teabags are a hoot! Thanks for sharing a lovely tea setting and a chuckle. Have a wonderful Memorial Day week-end. Linda

  27. Oh Laura, I have been planting like a mad man (woman) too. I just stuck in a few more plants today. Hopefully this is the end. I can't seem to quit buying. lol! I love your darling Queen tea bag. How fun is that? And your teapot and cup look like they are fit for a queen. I mean, look at all that gold. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  28. These little cut outs made me giggle. I'm from England and my husband is from the UP!I will share this post with him. Crazy weather. hang in there. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop Big Hugs xo

  29. Ah, yes, tea - that's a favorite subject of mine :) Great post! That's a gorgeous, gorgeous tea set!
    Hugs, Cindy

  30. Beautiful dishes and the little queen is so cute! Thanks for linking up to STL Wednesday!

  31. Oh my gosh I love this! Your tea set is lovely as is the Queen!

    Thanks for sharing on SOS!!


  32. Oh Laura,

    Those tea cup Royals are just too whimsical and fun - and perfect timing for the festivities are the 60th Jubilee! FUN!!!

    Your tea set it to DIE FOR - and you found it at a thrift? Oh lucky lucky lady!! GREAT find!

    Love tea, looking forward to getting to know you better!


  33. Hi Laura!

    These are so darned whimsical and cute! The tea set is lovely and I don't mind crazing at all, it just gives it more character.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  34. oh my goodness I love these cute accessories :)

    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.