
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Meadow Shop

While it hasn't been quite as warm in NYC as in Michigan, it as been very sunny and certainly warm enough to go strolling about the town. In my strolling travels I came across a cute little shop on Hudson street, The Meadow. An artisan salt, chocolate, flowers and bitters shop, The Meadow is full of unique kitchen items, artfully displayed in mason jars, bottles and on wooden shelving. So unique I thought I'd share some it's cooler features. 

Over 100 different salt varieties from the France to India. 

Dozens of bitters for all the cocktail and mixologist fans. I happen to be one of them, though I tend to be more involved in the drinking than mixing process. 

I have no idea how these taste, I'm solely basing my bitter choices on their packaging. I especially feeling the crying gypsy art deco bottles by Bitter Tears. 

Locally bitter-ed. 

Something my mom would love- these super cool rock slabs that almost look like amber but are actually Himalayan salt blocks! We have granite slabs that really are rock, all over our various gardens at the cottage, serving as pathways and stepping stones.

The storefront on this gorgeous early spring day. And no, that's not me taking a photo of myself, it's some other idiot that got in my shot. NY sidewalks- it happens!

I think this was an excellent find, someplace I'll definitely be going back to when I need to find gifts for my foodie friends. 


  1. What a cool little treasure you found. What do you do with those salt blocks? I'd prolly eat them!!!! Sweet little shop....thanks for sharing it for the unlucky folks that may never make it NYC :(

  2. Wow! What a unique place. Our family is going to be in NYC for a week this Summer and will be looking for things to do. I'll have to remember this. Thanks so much!

  3. This looks incredible! The salt rocks look like candies and I can't imagine that they are not sweet! Have a nice day! Christa

  4. I would have a ball in this shop! Wow,just the various types of seasoned salts alone. And bitters? Haven't had that in my pantry for years. xo

  5. Wow what a fun shop. I love how everything is displayed and their shelving is pretty neat too.


  6. Dear Andrea,

    Thanks so much for the treasured find of this wonderful shop. My publisher is in NYC and I go there to record videos, work, and have business meetings. There is so much to do in the city, but this particular business REALLY resonates with me. I'll go and mention this blog.

    All joys to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  7. Wow, that shop is so Mom, not sure what she would do with the bitters, but the bottles are certainly cool. I especially like the Brooklyn brand. Watch out for the random sidewalk people, clearly a tourist!

  8. Andrea,

    Thank you for expanding my horizons! What a great education. Who knew so many choices are available? Life in the Big City!

  9. This is interesting. I've never heard of bitters. Would love all the salts. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love places like this! So much fun to browse in and they offer such unique products. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    P.S. LOVE NYC! :-)



  12. What a fun tour. I love the labels on the bottles. My mom has a salt block. She loves it.

  13. Wonderful post ~ excellent photos of a very interesting store ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  14. Who would think there would be so many types of salt? Super cool store. Next time I am in the city I will have to go there.

  15. What a cool place to just wander about and browse. So many interesting things! But did I see that salt block price, right?!
    I may just have to stick with Morton! LOL
    Thanks so much for linking and sharing your find.

  16. What a grand place to browse -- though I'd be considering the bitters only for their label art. Not much of a drinker here. Margaritas are about it for me and not that often. But pink Himalayan salt -- oh my.

  17. A very colorful and inspiring post here today. Love all the bottles and the labels. We have about 10 distilleries in my neck of the woods and I get a kick out of visiting their gift shops. I will have to get some photos, especially at Maker's Mark. I don't know one thing about Bitters but will go looking.

  18. what a fascinating little specialty shop, only in NY. although i did run across a shop recently in the little town of camas washington that specialized in oils from different countries and seasonings. a surprise find in such a small town.

  19. Happy PINK Saturday! Wow, what a totally awesome store, I wold love to browse around there on an afternoon. I had no idea there were so many different varieties of salt. Have a great weekend, Nan


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