
Monday, January 30, 2012

Tea and Sweetheart Sugar

Like many of you I have spent way too much time on Pinterest pinning all kinds of wonderful decorating, gardening, travel, craft and food ideas. One of the ideas that really caught my attention was creating your own heart shaped sugar cubes. Really how sweet is that!!! So I ran out and got a heart shaped candy mold and off I went…

Cindy at Skip To My Lou had great, easy, step by step instructions, pop over there for her how to. Cindy recommends using food coloring gel, I didn't have any gel so I just used regular food coloring.

I loved how they turned out, now every morning I can have a pretty little lump of sweetness.

The teapot, cup and plate are all mismatched but the gold and the pink seems to tie them all together, they make a perfect mixed set.


Pinertest has so many beautiful photos it is tempting to pin and post. However, since beginning our blog I discovered I like photography. So, in my quest to take better pictures I'm taking an eight week photography class at one of the local community colleges. 

A few tips from the first class: Tip one, move in closer to the item you are photographing than you think you should be, ok did that. Tip two, don't use the flash, natural lighting is better, however that can be challenging in Michigan during the winter because it is so dreary. But I did manage to catch one hour of sunshine. Tip three, turn off the automatic setting and shoot in manual, humm. Ok I did not do that because the pictures were coming out blurry. Hope I will learn how to shoot in the manual setting over the next few weeks. 

So how are my pictures this week, any better? Trying hard to apply what I'm learning and have photos that are Pin worthy! If anyone has other photography tips I'd love to hear about them. 

Linking to this week:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Grand Red Time

So this post is a bit belated; sometimes it takes me a little while to get it together during the week...especially when you start it off with a bang! To celebrate the Chinese New Year (it's the year of the Dragon - rawrr) and one of my favorite friend's heritage we held a mini shindig on Monday night. Party favors were red, guests were told to wear red and if they decided to contribute something to the gathering, to only bring red liquids. It was quite the color coordinated affair. Take a looksie down below. 

So many chopsticks.

Even more. 

A light installation of laterns created by the host. 

The most fun candies you've ever seen.  

And culturally confused Hello Kitty accessories. Went to Chinatown in Philly (mini road trip to see much beloved friends) to purchase New Year's decorations and ended up with Japanese trinkets? Odd, but we'll take it.

The lady of the night with the entree of the night- veggie steamed dumplings. Note the lantern dangling in the shot and her very awesome vintage Chinese silk jacket. Also, the red lippy. We were not kidding around with this color scheme. 

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Sweet Valentines Shopping

Over the weekend we took an outing and went to the quaint town of Plymouth, MI. It was cold and in the 20's but it was bright and sunny, we walked around doing a little browsing. Two stores, Home Sweet Home and Haven had beautiful valentine vignettes, here are a few of the pictures that I snapped:

A Valentine's Day tree.

A sweet little top-hatted angel snowman baring a heart, that is quite a combination!

I'm feeling inspired to do a little decorating for Valentine's Day. How about you? Vintage postcards, heart garland or hand crafted cards? I'd love the hear how you are decorating for Valentine's Day.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Beautiful Way to Wake Up

I was laying in bed yesterday morning and mentally planning my day. What to post about this week……hum? Weak morning light was shining in the window off setting the lace drapes- ahh there is my post idea! I love drapes, although technically they are not drapes but long panels of lace draped over finials. I've had them a long time and still love them as much today as when I first purchased them.

The wall are a soft pink but the pictures came out rather sepia looking,  so the walls almost look like a grayish purple. I like the sepia feel.

The pattern is delicate and ivory colored.

The picture is of my grandparents on their wedding day.


What do you love about your bedroom? Or what would you add to make it the room of your dreams?

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