
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Giveaway of Beautiful Ramsign Sign

In the spirt of holiday gift giving Cottage and Broome is offering you a chance to win one of these beautiful custom house signs from Ramsign.  The wonderful folks at Ramsign in Denmark will create for one lucky winner their custom enamel house sign.

The giveaway is simple, do one, two or all of the following:

1. Post a comment here letting us know you are a follower or become a new follower and tell us the name of the sign you would like to win. Just click here on Ramsign to visit their web site.

2. Mention this giveaway on your blog and leave us another comment for a second chance to win.

3. Tweet about our giveaway and leave us another comment for a third chance to win.

Please leave your comments by Monday, December 19th, we will announce the winner the next day on Tuesday, December 20th. You must be a follower to win.

The Broome half of the blog loves this one! However it would have to hang inside her snug little New York City apartment.

This green one is my favorite, it would look perfect on the porch at the Cottage.

 Ramsign offers a 30-year warranty on their signs, a money back guarantee and free shipping world wide. 

 So winner, winner, chicken dinner I hope you are a winner…..

Linking to this week: 


  1. I'd love a chance to win these numbers. No one can ever find out house. Maybe it would help if we lived on the street our address is not a side street. Who decided what our address would be years ago must have been partying. Oh, I am a follower, of course.

  2. I'm already a happy follower. Thank you so much for offering one of these signs. I love them all, but I think I'd pick the Highlander.

  3. I like the Highlander oval sign and would love to win it. I am a follower too! Thank you for this opportunity. Merry Christmas!

  4. I love the Highlander house number for 4 digits!!! It would look great on my house! :) Thanks for letting me know about your awesome giveaway!!

  5. Winner, winner chicken dinner, pick me. Thanks for stopping by In His Grip.

  6. Oh, me me! I'm a follower -- (hope you stop by to enter my givewawy too!)

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find your wonderful spot here on the bloggosphere - best kind of sign ever! Not in the market for a sign (that might make people think I wanted them to come to my house!) but do want to find my way back here often.

  8. Great giveaway, I'd love to be included. I just love the white background with black writing :) I am already a follower.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  9. I am your newest follower!!! I had a Ramsign giveaway earlier this year but would love to win my own! I was trying to figure out how I could enter my own giveaway to win it!

    Love your cute little pink tree and the darling snowmen!

  10. These are great! I am a follower already :)

  11. Yay!! New follower, but not a new reader. I have been wanting to replace our old brass house numbers for a while. The Englehardt would be GREAT on our country home.

  12. Thanks for inviting me over and for your visit and kind comment. I love RAMSIGN designs and HIGLANDER is my favourite. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance.

  13. I love the Metropolitan in blue. I'm a follower. Thanks for sharing such a generous giveaway!

  14. I hosted a Ramsign giveaway a few months back and I wanted to enter it myself! haha. I love these signs and would LOVE to win!

    Thanks for the chance!

  15. Tweeting user name is transferware

  16. This is a fun giveaway! I love the black on white! I am a follower!

  17. Those are very beautiful signs, I agree. I'm planning a move in the next year, though, so...maybe they could do one with my initials, or birth date and I could hang it in my house? lol Very generous give-away!

  18. I tweeted your give-away! Have a very Merry Christmas!
    Hugs, Cindy


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.