
Friday, September 2, 2011

It Was A Fun Summer!

Small town living don't you just love it! It seems like every little town has a carnival or county fair. This carnival rolled into Charlevoix during July. I used to love carnivals when I was a kid but now I can not do those rides, I hate the feeling of my stomach dropping down to my toes. Back then the Tilt-A-Whirl was my favorite ride. Ahhh to be young again... the kids in town really seemed to love all the scary rides. I thought this was a good reminder of the fun I hope you had this summer.

 I think Dumbo here was the model for their food sign, he just changed hats.

Can't you just hear them screaming, I know I would be!

 This must have been some guy's fantasy girl, oh my!

 They ended the night by twirling away! Andrea would tell me I had waaaaay too many pictures so please tell her you enjoyed the trip to the carnival or better yet tell us what you did for fun this summer?

 Andrea should be back posting with me next week.


  1. its so fun coming here, you never know what you will be sharing, but i know i will always be dazzled with fabulous pics!

  2. Awesome photos, but I'm with you, I can't take those rides anymore.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Love your pictures -- I don't do rides either. Inner ear problems make that a disaster! However the lights and smells are always fun.

  4. Great photos! I now have a HUGE craving for corn dogs, cotton candy, mini donuts.... :-)

  5. I used to LOVE roller coaters, would ride them over and over. NO MORE!!! Great pics. We ahve had a totally BORING summer:(

  6. I don't think we EVER tire of pretty pictures, Laura! You gave us just enough of the action that it was ALMOST like being there in person. ;)

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  7. I like all the pictures. I can't get on the rides anymore either. I dislike that so much. I didn't do much this summer. Just the usual: work on the house and hunt for thrifty finds. It went by too fast that is for sure.

  8. What a great post! Pictures are incredible. Your little carnival looks nostalgic & fun, the ones around here are seedy & a bit dangerous looking. Oh but I do remember the excitement of the carnival coming to town. My husband just took the kids to Six Flags, I passed. A day of rides in triple digit heat sounded like torture not fun. Last time I rode a roller coaster it took me a week to recover!

  9. That looks like a lot of fun. I live in Illinois. My family and I went to Great America for a day. I hadn't been on a ride in many years. I felt like a kid again. Thanks for the fun post.

  10. Wonderful photos! I feel like I went to the carnival too!

  11. Your pictures are beautiful. They remind me of our visit to the local fair this year, I was amazed at the vibrant colors. Thanks for stopping by. I do wish I could keep the cabinet green, but it is peeling fabric and I must fix it.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.