
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Garden Review

I will be doing a few posts by myself for the next week or so. Andrea, the Broome side of our blog, has had a busy week and even busier one coming up. Like most of the east coast, Andrea survived an earthquake and a hurricane last week. She was very lucky and they did not lose power. But in the middle of all that she was packing and preparing for a move to a new apartment!! She is leaving her beloved Nolita area behind and moving up town to the Chelsea area. Hopefully they will gain a little more space. I'm praying this place has a kitchen drawer and closet in her bedroom. Andrea has promised some before and after pictures of her new place!

In the mean time I'm sadly watching my garden wind down or being mowed down by the deer and rabbits. The trees are starting to turn colors which is always pretty but I'm hoping for an extended summer. I've picked a few photos from the garden, I will hate to see all the pretty flowers go.

  Delicate dangling fuchsia.

 Garden art, not made by me but some other creative people I found at art fairs.

This is Henry, I love this guy but I really wish he was a girl so I put a necklace on him. Maybe Henry just needs a Henrietta. Please let me know if you know where I can find a Henrietta! Don't you love his nose, it looks like he was a boxer that had it broken.

 Old wine bottles and fish floats in a vintage egg basket. I love old egg baskets, I have several they are great for storing items. I leave this out on the patio, no need to worry about rust or them getting wet.

 A vintage garden basket filled with begonias.

 The petunias before the deer had them as a late night snack.

 Day lilies are not from my garden, I usually don't do orange but these are so pretty I may have to change my mind.

A condo for the birds while they are visiting the garden.

There is one day remaining for our Tea Time Giveaway, just leave a comment under that post and become a follower.

This week we are linking to:
White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesdays
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Time Travel Thursday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Saturday Show Off


  1. Your photos are GORGEOUS, professional quality! How do you do it????? Please tell me!!! XO, Pinky

  2. Lovely! It is sad to see the garden wind down but then it is off to planning for a better year next year! Wow! Fantastic job!

  3. Oh, what gorgeous snaps of your flowers! Too bad the little booger deer ate those beautiful daisies! And I agree with Pinky - your snaps are gorgeous!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me and your kind comments.
    Glad all survived the earthquake and hurricane. Sounds like New York - my daughter lives there.
    Be a sweetie and come back for another visit sometimes.

  4. While there is a hint of Fall in the air in Northern Michigan, your summer flowers still look beautiful...We eagerly await the Mums, and I'm sure so do the deer!

    Cottage Guy

  5. Oh what lovely photos!! I love fushia but have been unsuccessful in keeping several purchases of these lovely plants alive. do you have any hints you might share?

  6. Beautiful photos! I love the basket of begonias.

  7. Thanks for the nice comments about the photo.

  8. Hi I found you on Brabbleberry Cottage

    I have a Henry also and I have his love his lady friend

    I was going to do a post next week on my statuary and Henry is one of them.

    I haven't name my couple yet I just call them him & her


  9. Your gardens are gorgeous!
    Love your bust George. He is too cute and I would put jewelry and necklaces on him regardless!

    Such pretty photos.
    Loving your fiestaware post too.

  10. Your garden is lovely! Everything looks so fresh and full. Midwestern heat and humidity took it's toll on my garden this year.

  11. Your blooms are absolutely gorgeous! My flower gardens haven't looked that good for two months or more. This heat is just frying everything...that the critters don't get to first! ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  12. Hi Laura! I love your garden artifacts. Your photophesgraphs are wonderful! SO nice to visit. Glad your daughter stayed safe in the storm. Thanks so much for following!

  13. i am a bit behind but always love seeing your pics, from dishes to gardens, its all my favorite things~

  14. Just found your blog! I've enjoyed catching up on your posts, and looking at your gorgeous photos. I'm originally a north Jersey girl, so I enjoy reading about NYC. We tried to get a place in Charlevoix this summer, but waited too late to book it. My parents were there recently and raved about it. Maybe next year. Until then, I'll have to visit it through your blog :)

  15. Love fuschias,
    love Henry....
    LOVE your pics!!
    xx Suzanne

  16. still lovin' those flowers!

  17. Hello, I am your latest follower.The pink fushia is fabulous, love it. Say hello to Henry. Smiles...Lu

  18. Lovely pictures. Have a nice day/Gela

  19. Beautiful posting--love your color combinations and the garden. My fave is that head planter--awesome!

  20. Wow, what stunning photos! Each one tells a story, thanks so much for linking up with VIF!! xo Debra


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.