
Thursday, July 14, 2011

To Market We Go!

Hello friends! It is I, daughter. It’s been a little while, I know. I'm sure it was tricky for you since we did two posts in one week (about the same thing no less), and then not again for almost a week. A full week! We’re neglectful, terrible bloggers and we're sorry. But we’ve been busy. I was in town for sadly, a rare visit to the cottage so I was super busy drinking Riesling in the backyard adirondacks and eating chocolate covered cherries. It was taxing, and appeared to have taken take precedence over the blog. But no more! I've returned to NYC and have I’ve been spending some time doing one of my favorite things – sifting through old well-worn clothes and piles of costume jewelry, sorting through the trash to find the treasures, generally getting my hands dusty and eyes squinty at various flea markets throughout the city. It was divine. Fortunately, for me there are several to choose from – the Brooklyn FleaChelsea Flea Market (those dolls are creepy, right? right?) and Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market are few of the regular ones. And there's usually a few other sprinkled in there for various events and causes. They tend to overlap forcing me to prioritize the ones I love most. Sigh. It's hard. 

These are some elfin-type critters intertwined upon what looks to be glowing tree branch...but it's actually part of antique lamp. Tricky, tricky...

These are for the Cottage Guy, my dad and cigar aficionado who at one point was collecting vintage cigar boxes...or my mom was. One or the other. Either way there was a treasure trove of them at the Brooklyn Flea.

Choices of the visually impaired or those trying to look more intelligent. Secret: I sometimes wear a pair of faux glasses...they make me feel silly. Mom say wearing the faux glasses - "I don't get it!"

Vintage pin cushions perhaps? Mom, can you tell me? Mother: I can. You can tell I never taught her to sew, but I tried, daughter these are hat pins!

The clothes. The sweet, dusty clothes. And one of my best friends who may or may not kill me for posting a photo of her. It's ok. We just won't mention it to her.

Crazy cool African beaded chairs and sculptures, maybe? Located at the Chelsea Flea Market on the hottest day of the summer thus far. I tried not to sweat on the furniture.

The whole kit and caboodle at the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market.

I sort of wish the shoe rack in my closet was made of fence. The pink pumps really pop. Hee hee. Alliteration!

Costume jewelry is probably one of my favorite things to fawn over at the flea. How awesome do those brooches look on that blouse/jacket/dress thing? Awesome possum.

For the toddler remake of Grease.

Ok, so these were taken about a year ago at the Atlantic Antic (a street fair in Brooklyn) and these guys definitely one of the highlights. Look how much fun their having! And how pretty their instruments (I want to call them drums, but they look fancier) are! Mom says notice the beadwork on the drums - the stitch is right angle weave.

Back at the Cottage......

When daughter was visiting the Cottage (for five painfully short days) we did other things beside swilling Riesling  and eating chocolate covered cherries! Of course we grilled on the 4th of July, rode bikes (still trying to work those brownies off), Andrea went swimming in Lake Michigan which was a balmy 55 degrees water temperature and we went to an antique show! Antiquing is one of our favorite things to do!

Love the old glass bottles! The purple ones happen to be a favorite of ours right now!

We found a couple that were from New York! One said Major's Cement, why would cement be in a cute little bottle?

Why oh why didn't I buy some of these bottles? They are sooo pretty.

Nightcrawlers, a canoe or a horse, which was every little girl's dream? The horse of course! Actually daughter wanted a rabbit!

On many of the lakes up here there is always the debate power boats or not? Wouldn't is old engine look cool on vintage wooden boat?

Or how about paddle power? I was lusting after this Charlevoix paddle but it was a little pricey. I'm keeping my eye open of an old paddle so I can stencil it myself.

Did we mention we like old jewelry? So many pretty things, so little money left!

Hmm, I've hooked wool rugs before (and not those kit ones from the 70's) I briefly wondered if I could weave my own rag rugs! Look Cottage Guy it was marked down to only $450! He is letting out a sigh of relief, I passed on that one.

A few purchases, purple bottles, a vintage necklace and Italian millefiorai mosaic broaches. Is this mother or daughter's? I guess I already gave it away with the New York purple bottles! But I'd love to share those broaches, so sad we are in different states.

Simply beautiful!

I can not resist crocheted hot pads, they are usually only a few dollars and I know some woman spent a lot of time making them. Who could give those away!

Daughter wanted to know what was that pointy thing and why did I want it? It is a flower frog of course and I like to stick vintage post cards in them for display.

Cottage guy..."what are you going to to with those knobs?" Hmm, I'll think of something! 

Tell us some of your favorite things to collect!


  1. $450 for a loom...sounds like a bargain. Beautiful pictures! Here is the key to collecting, if one is good 16 is fabulous, its the new paradim. Keep up the good work. I love following your adventures.

  2. Thanks for the new update. I was going through withdrawal. My whole life has flashed before my eyes from your pictures of the markets. Who knew someone might want to buy all that old stuff that I have thrown away? Suprisingly, the Johnson outboard motor looked very familiar. 1950's up at "The Lake" in Minnesnowta. Fun.

  3. Aunt L- I am looking for 16 antique glass knobs for an apothecary chest I am making..... Ill send you a picture of ones like them!!I love looking at all your pictures ladies!!! Once again great blogging!!!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.