
Monday, May 28, 2012

I Should Have Taken My Camera!

It poured rain Sunday morning which was a good thing because we have not had rain in over 21 days. Not a wonderful thing when you are trying to get your garden going and the grass to green up. But the day cleared and the sun peaked out so we decided to take an evening stroll but it was still partly cloudy, no need for my camera.

But the sky and Lake Michigan looked glorious and I whined "I should l have taken my camera!" If my husband had a dollar of every time I said that he would be a rich man. But he is a sport and let me borrow his iPhone to snap a few photos. I was amazed how pretty they turned out, the color was not enhanced but just for fun I "framed" them. They are ready to hang on the wall don't you think?


sparklegem said...

Those pictures are beautiful! They look like they could be in a travel guide for some fabulous destination.

Kris Yackel said...

Beautiful, Laura! The Michigan Tourist Board would be proud.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelentes fotografias do Pôr-do-Sol....

Madelief said...

I didn't know you could make such beautiful photographs with an Iphone. The sky looks amazing!

Happy week!

Madelief x

She Who Doodles said...

beautiful. i always am amazed when i see photos from a cell phone. mine isn't an iphone but sometimes i've gotten some pretty good shots. plus it's always with me.

Emily Brisse said...

Beeeeeeautiful shots. Perfect for Memorial Day. :)

Monica @ Happily Playing with Dishes said...

Beautiful!! Great pictures. I wouldn't have know they were from and iphone.

Mina fotostunder said...


Unknown said...

WOW, stunning photos. Wish I was there.

Leah H. said...

So beautiful.. Great shots!

Visiting for Favorite Photo Monday- hope you can stop by:)

Gypsy Heart said...

Laura, they are gorgeous! I can only imagine how beautiful in person. God is quite artist huh?


Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Wow, thank goodness for the iphone!

Ann said...

Unbelievable photos. I can't believe they're from an iPhone. I almost need sunglasses to look at that gorgeous sun. Way to go, Laura. And, thanks, hubby for the loaner.

cassandra said...

Well done.. So stunning!

Visiting for Favorite Photo Monday- hope you can stop by:)

Nancy said...

Most definitely, ready to hang! If they improve those phone cameras any more, there may not be a need for "regular" cameras! :)

Red Rose Alley said...

These are beautiful for an iPhone. You really captured the beauty of the sun here. God's sky always amazes me. You are getting to be quite talented, my friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Thanks for popping in over at Quirky Vistas to check out my rainy afternoon post. Ours unfortunately has, as of yet, not been followed by beautiful sunshine, and it looks as if it may be a while before we enjoy a beautiful sunset again. At least I know I can come back here and see yours if I get to missing it too much!

Roxanne Reinhart said...

Very pretty and definitely deserving a frame :)

In My Wild Eden said...

Your pictures are wonderful! My husband and I do the same thing where I am always saying, I should have brought my camera. Usually we are close enough to home that he goes back for me. I'm glad you got your pictures!

cairncottage said...

Just gorgeous!!! I love sunsets! iphone can do amazing things! So peaceful! Thanks for sharing these with us!

Annesphamily said...

Gorgeous shots! I really love your share. HPS to you and thanks for sharing! Enjoy the weekend!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hi Laura,

Oh those pics are amazing - and taken from a phone, wow, shocking!

I grew up on Lake Erie but now live land-locked and miss the water every single day....your pictures piqued my heart strings.

Thank you, I need to get home for a visit soon.

I am your newest follower!

Unknown said...

The first one is my favorite because of the movement going on in the sky! Thanks for sharing:)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Laura, the photos are breathtaking! How gorgeous it must've been to see this on your stroll. They are definately worthy of framing. Thanks for sharing with Share Your cup!

Meg said...

Stunning! Thanks for sharing with us on SOS!


Ivy and Elephants said...

These are just gorgeous! That must be some iphone! I love the way the clouds look in the first shot.
Thanks for the blogaversary congrats.
It's friends like you that make blogging so much fun!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

They ARE beautiful...and worthy of framing. I'm so impressed that those are iPhone photos. WOW!

Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Be sure to stop in and see the announcement, this Thursday, of my latest giveaway.

Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

Beautiful shots! I'm amazed at the shots I get with my iPhone. It's handy to have! Lake Michigan is beautiful and the sunsets can be amazing!

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