
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cottage Angel

I am starting to get ready to head back up north to the cottage. We spent this weekend planning out what needs to be done in the cottage and out in the garden. Most of the shrubs survived the winter and the deer snacking on them. However it is always an adventure with nature up there, a buck marked his territory by scraping the bark off a new lilac, I have a groundhog digging at the base of the house and a bird nest in a wreath that should come down. At least there are no skunks so far this year.

Inside things are just fine…. I like to think this little angel is wishing for our return...


Those are silver dollars in the vase.

I love the patina on the mirror frame.

To me her nose looks a little smashed but that is ok it adds to her charm. Maybe she is counting the days to our return, I know I am.


Anonymous said...

Laura, Great shots! I LOVE the mirror. I found you through Favorite Photo Monday at Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time. Looking forward to following you and enjoying more of your beautiful blog!

podso said...

Beautiful pictures! Yes I like the mirror too!

Unknown said...

What a lovely display of silver dollars and your pretty angel. They seem to go together quiet well along with the frame. A very nice vignette..
Have a great day,

Olive said...

Laura, the silver dollars are so pretty. We have deer too and they prune my roses for me. It is Wild Kingdom I tell you. Never a dull moment at our yellow house. hugs, olive

In My Wild Eden said...

So great to be going to the cottage. I also love the mirror!

Emilie's daughter said...

Lucky you having a cottage! I would love that too! Although... I know it means also a lot of work as you describe it! It is nice though, isn't it? The angel is lovely - I believe the "smashed" nose adds to it's charm and uniqueness. Have a good time! Christa

Madelief said...

The photo's you took of your the vase with the branches looks lovely. I didn't know they were called silver dollars in the US! Learned something again today...

Madelief x

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

I wanted to let you know that I am featuring you on Share Your Cup Thursday today. Loved your Bunnykins! I love Silver Dollar plants. I have one area in my garden that they are coming up all over. Their purple blooms have such a cottage feel! Guess I need to save some of the Silver Dollars to decorate with. Yours look wonderful.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Forgot to tell you how much I loved the mirror!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your beautiful angel and the pretty silver dollar plant! Enjoy your week!

She Who Doodles said...

yeah for no skunks. love the pixs

Cindy Adkins said...

How lovely! It all looks wonderful together. Can't wait to see more of your cottage!
Hugs, Cindy

andrea@townandprairie said...

Your vignette is just lovely. I'd put an angel under a money plant, too... how about those mega million winners this week? Holy cow!

momto8 said...

have fun at your cottage in the woods...sounds fun!!!

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

I love your little angel! Everything looks just terrific!
Thank you for sharing~

Monica @ Happily Playing with Dishes said...

Your mirror is fantastic. I really like the Silver Dollars. I have never seen them. Thanks for sharing and stopping by. said...

I am sure that the little Angel is waiting for your return. How lovely that you are going to your cottage. Hope that we can get to have a peek at it Laura.
Your decor looks divine.. i love the mirror. Its the old shabby chic look.
Have a wonderful trip.
happy thursday

Decor To Adore said...

This is a truly lovely vignette!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

I love her little angel-chipped nose. Sweet.

Don't you adore the lunaria? I was first given seeds about 25 years ago. The lady who gave them to me was a dear and historic elderly woman. Now every year her plants come up, put out their little pink blossoms, then turn into pearly moons. I always think of her.



Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

This vignette is so lovely, Everything works so well together! What a pretty mirror. YOu have mastered the art of taking a picture with a mirror in it! I always get the top of my head!
Thanks for sharing all the prettiness!

Rhissanna said...

Ohh! You call them 'silver dollars'? It's called 'honesty' in the UK, although I have no idea why.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love your little cottage angel. Do you know that I used to collect angels? There used to be a little shop in my town that sold the most unique angels, and I would go in there all the time. This one looks so pretty next to the silver dollars.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Katherines Corner said...

beautiful photos. Love the mirror too. Thank you for linking up to the Thursday hop. Sorry I'm behind in saying thank you. My Monday post will explain my delay.Hope to see you again this Thursday. xo

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