
Monday, April 2, 2012

Bunnykins Hop to the Table

Yes, I have dishes for almost every occasion.  The Bunnykins are not used very much any more only in the spring around Easter. But there was a time when they were used everyday by Andrea. She ate everything from baby food to mac and cheese and everything in-between on these dishes. Like a lot of collections it started with one cup and one bowl, and grew from there.  I think these dishes are so charming and magical, each scene is different. 

Every child likes to play dress up, wouldn't you like to join this group.

It's tea time!

 Even the back of the cup has a sweet little scene.

Royal Doulton's Bunnykins were introduced in the United Kingdom during the 1930's. They depicted Mr. and Mrs. Bunnykins along with other rabbits and mice dressed in human clothing. They usually illustrated rural and small-town English scenes and activities. Bunnykins were even used by Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret when you were young and became popular for gift giving.

Rub-a-dub-dub how many bunnies will fit in the tub????

Wouldn't your little ones like to drink out of this cup.


podso said...

You have such a nice collection. I have just a few for the grands, but we certainly used them with our own wee ones.

Olive said...

Laura, they are totally charming. Most bunnies via the U.K. seem to be adorable. Happy Easter. Hugs, Olive

Zinnia said...

It must have been wonderful for your daughter to use the sweet dishes and the sweet tea cups. Lots to see for a small child. Very cute bunnies in all sorts of situations. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Those dishes are precious. My daughter and I have such the same tastes she is hoping to inherit all my things I think:) Some things from her childhood and stuff I have given her already--little tea sets and stuff.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...


Regards and best wishes

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What charming dishes and perfect for Easter and Spring!!

Debbie said...

Dear Laura,
A lovely post. wow! does it bring back memories.
I have one of the original plates left.
I painted an easter "bunnikin" plate for my first grandaughter 17 years ago.. I will have to pass that on.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Your little Bunnykin dishes are the is such a luxury to have Special Dishes for a special event...I adore the scenes in yours...especially the bathtub scene where they are cleaning the sweet

momto8 said...

they should be featured in a magazine!! how fun!


Hi there!
I have a bunnykin plate and double handled cup. They are adorable!
Thank you for linking up.

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Those dishes are so sweet! My mother had sets of silverware that our girls used at her house, and now their children will eat with them.

Linda M. said...

Hello Laura, Your have a really cute collections of dishes. Thanks for your visit and comment. I'm one of your new followers. Joyous Wishes, Linda

She Who Doodles said...

they are darling. what fun to unpack them every easter. i still have my baby dish. my kids both used it, my grandkids ate out of it when they came to visit.

Karen said...

Oh my... your Bunnykin dishes are fabulous!! I have just started collecting these dishes. They are very difficult to find in South Texas where I live, but in Denver there they were in almost every antiques mall I visited.
I featured mine in my blog on March 23 of this year. Hope you visit and critique my collection.
Ladybug Creek

Karen said...

P.S. I'm your newest follower! Can't wait to see your future posts.
Ladybug Creek

Red Rose Alley said...

How fun for Andrea to have grown up with these little dishes. It will be so special when you pass them down to her. I do have a gravy bowl that belonged to my mother's mother, and it was from 1940, and one day I will pass that on to one of my kids. I just love things that we inherit from our family. Happy Easter to you both.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Hi Laura,

Congrats on winning the kneeler. Did you send your snail mail address to my DH? He is He'll have it shipped to you from Gardener's Supply in Burlington, Vermont.

Love this entry. We're on the same wavelength with traditions, dishes, making memories.

All joys,


Nancy said...

My sister had a set when she was growing up -- and she may still have it. They are so adorable. What great keepsakes.

Cindy Adkins said...

Such sweet dishes!! Oh my goodnes -I love the scene in the tub! Laura, I'm so happy you liked your little "pay it forward" gift! It was my pleasure!

Tammy at Tammy Loves Dishes said...

Oh my goodness, these are the cutest dishes! I just love them. What a sweet table.

mzzbev said...

What a darling collection!! I love it. Visiting from WOW us Wednesday :)

Sarah said...

I didn't have children of my own, but can't begin to count how many Bunnykin sets I gave as baby gifts through the years. I find each of these so charming, and have to say that even without children I considered buying a few plates for myself just to have for fun. ;-)
Wish I had been doing that through the years as you did. This makes a delightful Easter table for young and old alike.
Happy Easter! ~ Sarah

Betty Manousos said...

wow, these are absolutely lovely!
thanks for sharing that adorable collection.

happy thursday!

Latane Barton said...

What sweet little bunny dishes ... and just in time for Easter. Hope your Easter is blessed.

Anonymous said...

This is about the sweetest collection of dishes I've ever seen! How charming!
Be a sweetie and Happy Easter,
Shelia ;)

Faye said...

LOVE the dishes! I would never part with those!!!
Happy Easter!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What an adorable set, Laura! I recall seeing these in the past; maybe my Mom had a set for my younger sisters. Love the colors in each piece and the different scenes. I almost bought a set of little dishes for my granddaughter today at Homes. Alice in Wonderland themed, but they are breakable and she is 20 months old. Not a good combination!

Scribbler said...

You taught me something new. I don't think I have ever known anything about these, although I have seen them. Thanks for sharing -- you have a great collection.

Special 'K' said...

Oh I forgot all about my bunnykin pieces. I adore you collection. Thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, take care and enjoy! Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Zuni, Chickadee Home Nest said...

Hi, Laura. I, too, LOVE Bunnikins! We have our sons' two sets and we now use them year-round for our grandbabies! And recently I've decided to start collecting them too, (I added my first piece to start collecting just about a month ago). I'm so anxious to get my collection going! Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection! ~Zuni

very merry vintage style said...

Gorgeous dishes! What a lovely tradition your kids will always remember. Have a wonderful Easter and thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Oh how I love the Bunnykins! You have a wonderful collection. I think I have just one bowl and cup that I bought years ago at a antique store. If you can believe it I still have left some items at our home in Highland. Our son has rented it for two years and just bought it. I'm sure it's there. I told him I would take a day and come get the rest of my belongings. so glad you reminded of this. I love your little cast iron Easter figures also. I have a new linky party and I would love if you would share this. It's going on now. Have a wonderful Easter!

Unknown said...

Lovely! So cute Happy Easter Joann

Emilie's daughter said...

These are lovely and makes the season really bright! There can't anything go wrong for a Happy Easter, can there? I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! Christa

Monica @ Happily Playing with Dishes said...

They are adorable. Happy Easter!

KarenB said...

What a great collection! My girls got these when they were born. I've never thought of putting them out at Easter. Love them!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful set you have! I've never seen these before so this is a treat! Enjoy your weekend!

Katherines Corner said...

What a lovely collection. Thank you for sharing with us. Hugs and thank you for joining the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

Decor To Adore said...


Happy Easter to you and yours!

Melanie Statnick said...

WOW Your collection is SO much BIGGER then mine, good for you they are beautiful

Rhissanna said...

OMG! I love Royal Doulton's Bunnikins. I had an eggcup when I was a bunny and my own bunnies had some, to mix and match with Beatrix Potter china for a nursery tea. Your collection is so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous and dreamy. I'm totally jealous. ;)
Thank you for sharing, love.
Have a beautiful day.

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